aide à la formulation de boissons


– Biological and agribusiness enginieering : specialized in the drink formulation.

– Neurophysiologist and sensory analyst : specialized in the study of the consumers’ perceptions and behavior.

– Œnologist : specialized in wine and fermented products.

– Flavourist : specialized in aromas and aromatic mixes.



We have teamed up with the best experts in legal, financial, and technical areas to enhance every step of the creation of your drink.

We rely on partners like :

– Technical : ADOCC, Polytech, CTCPA.

– Marketing : Marketing Méditerranée.

– Legal : Midi Conseil, Up My Factory.

– Financial : Happy Crowdfunding, Innova France.

– Institutional : ADOCC, AREA, Sud de France, OCEBIO, COOP de France, La boite Boisson, BCME (beverage cans maker Europe)